
I have 900 pounds of hard red wheat in my living room. No, really, I do. It is piled up in bags next to the front door along the entire wall. After hauling it off the truck, into my car and home, it was the best I could do. I didn't have the energy to drag the bags downstairs to the basement.

That was a week ago.

On Sunday, they had each family fill out a survey asking how prepared we felt we were. My husband was filling it out while I talked to the person next to me. "Hey," my husband asked me. "Did we participate in the group order to buy bulk food?"

It was all I could do to just look at him and not throw a hymnal. "Huh? Was he kidding?" He wasn't smiling, could he really not know? Had he not noticed THE NINE HUNDRED POUNDS OF WHEAT STACKED IN OUR LIVING ROOM?????

"Yes, we did," I replied as sweetly as I could.


Julie Ramsay said...

I don't think the red kind is the good kind of wheat to buy...ha ha ha. Just kidding. Love the blog! Hilarious! Let us know how many bags make it downstairs daily!!! Maybe that can be the kids' job since they're home!

mindy said...

You are right. Red is not what I wanted, but they didn't have any white wheat for me to buy. Beggars can't be choosers...Besides, I don't actually want to EAT it---I only want to have it for decoration.

Julie Ramsay said...

Yeah me too... I have a bunch of british wheat. (probably green wheat?) Hope I never have to use it!

Nancy said...

Here's the tricky question?...Do you actually know how to prepare the wheat to eat it if needed? I have no clue....that'a why I don't buy that type of stuff. Give me dried refried beans any day!!

mindy said...

I have a wheat grinder. That turns it into flour. But like I said, I don't ever plan on having to eat it...:) BTW we made a fire-line last night and got it out of my living room. hip hip hooray!

Nancy said...

Wow! What dedication! Your kids will never forget it. Kinda like the time I remember, when I was young, hauling buckets of water out of the basement 'cause it was flooding and then dumping them in the snow outside for HOURS!!! Those are the memories you treasure forever. :)