Vascular land plants came about during the Silurian Period 480 Million years ago---in the Paleozoic Era...

This morning I came downstairs to find my daughter busily writing away. "I'm writing down the history of the world!" she informed me. We definitely needed to get out more. We've been cooped up inside way too long. The kids have been home from school most the week with snow days and apparently they were starting to crack.

Moving closer, she had actually constructed a time-line and was making a detailed account of all the different periods and eras (by memory)..."Get dressed," I informed her, making an executive decision. We were going to the mall. We were going out. We'd reached rock bottom and we needed some stimulation. Not that history isn't fascinating, but before breakfast? Gimme a break.

We're back and I feel much better. We bought a movie and the girls are in the other room watching it. It's "Phantom of the Opera." I know it isn't action or adventure, but we are who we are, and at least my kids aren't still drawing the time-line...


Nancy said...

I had to read that title 3 times before I finally figured out what it was all about. What, are your kids geniuses or something? Geez....thank goodness you took them to the mall and had them watch a movie. What a great mother you are for stimulating their minds. :)

mindy said...

I know, someone has to be around to drag them through the gutter,ha.

Julie Ramsay said...

They get it from you! You're such a brain!

mindy said...

Ha, I think milk just squirted out my nose!

Molly said...

Phantom of the Opera is one of those movies I love....He's called Gerard Butler. Should you enjoy his 'performance,' I may be able to suggest some other movies where he has his shirt off. Let me know :) (I'm terrible)