I didn't see it coming...stabbed in the back without any warning!

You know there are some things that you count on to never let you down. Cracker jacks always have a prize in the bottom of the box; a nap every Sunday after Church; and when you turn on the dishwasher it's supposed to WORK!

I feel betrayed. My dishwasher now sits on the curb outside my house. Even the garbage men were disgusted by it and refused to take it away this morning. There is a gaping hole next to the sink where my dishwasher used to be. It mocks me every time I go into the kitchen with it's visual reminder that if I use a plate or cup, I will end up having to wash it myself. Napkin anyone?

I do realize that people did survive years ago without dishwashers. But you know what, it doesn't matter. I just want mine back---the one that worked...is that asking too much?


Julie Ramsay said...

You are living a slow, tedious nightmare! Go out and buy a dishwasher today! End the madness!!!

Anonymous said...

You have four kids--put them to work! Ha! Kevin replaced ours last year. Not because it was broke, but because it was really terrible at cleaning dishes and I got sick of it. That makes me look REALLY shallow!! My ancestors would be ashamed of me.

mindy said...

Brian installed a new dishwasher last night. Order has been restored to the universe.