Nouns, Pronouns and Verbs...Oh My!

Last month, a community college called to see if Brian wanted to teach a six-week Business English class. Well, let's see. He has a degree in Linguistics and a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Music. English? Apparently they were impressed with his credentials, figuring he'd had enough English with his Linguistics degree.

So, this week he is teaching Nouns and Pronouns. He came home fairly discouraged saying that he had successfully taught his class to hate pronouns in ways they never before dreamed possible. I guess his students aren't very enthusiastic...

"Did you show them the clips?" I asked and he nodded. "And it didn't help?" I couldn't believe it. How could anyone watch the "School House Rock" grammar clips and not be excited? It was unbelievable.

One of the dads in Nick's band suggested gathering together a large group of people to run into his class one night. I thought it was a great idea! We could ask if this was the place everyone has been talking about to hear more about nouns and pronouns. Make it seem like such a hot topic, he was drawing crowds of people in from off the street.

I mean how can you not love pronouns? Weren't those School House Rock cartoons on Saturday mornings the greatest things ever? I bought a copy of the DVD for my own kids, I loved them so much... "Conjunction junction, what's your function?..."


ldsjaneite said...

I bought a copy a couple of years ago for my kids, too! Only the kids haven't come along, yet. Nor the husband. But at least I'm prepared!

As an English major, I'm saddened others do not love pronouns.

Julie Ramsay said...

Good Luck with the class...I admit that pronouns don't have me overexcited either...But school House Rock...ROCKS!

Jenny Dahlke said...

Sooooo, how much time is allotted to pronouns??? Guess they're more important than I realized;) Suppose I shouldn't joke...I used 4 just writing this comment...oops, make that 5...6, Holy Cow, MAKE IT STOP....7!!! Good luck, Bryan:)