What's that, you ask? It's a pile of socks without matches. 8 socks without matches, and in only 10 days. That's pretty good, don't you think? Impressive even. Hey, at least they did the laundry while I was gone:)
I just wonder where they all went...


Julie Ramsay said...

I have about 100...I'll work on it later.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's part of the story...

The striped sock in the middle---its mate has been ripped up due to holiness.

The brown sock (mine) has found its mate---it hadn't made it to the hamper.

Heather says she wore the pink and blue socks together one day...

And Mindy says she found her other black sock in her luggage.


Sheila said...

Whew! I am so relieved they found their better halves!!

Nancy said...

Looks better than Sheila's laundry hamper full of "singles"..... hee hee.....