It's the best time of the year.

I like Christmas. I really do. It's fun to decorate the tree and go shopping. I have nothing against Christmas.

It's just that when it's over with...well it leaves me feeling uneasy and unsettled. It feels so chaotic with wrapping paper everywhere, and piles of gifts stacked on the couch.

Last year I cleaned everything up...Immediately after we unwrapped presents. By noon I had the trash out, the ornaments neatly put away and the tree down.
Then I was able to lounge around all afternoon and enjoy Christmas. Without all the stress of the holiday mess.

Apparently I ruined Christmas. Apparently I sucked the joy and happiness from Christmas.

So this year I'm not cleaning up or putting anything away. I'm going to smile as the Christmas spirit spills over onto the floor, puddles under the couch and runs down the hall. Merry Christmas to you all.

1 comment:

Julie Ramsay said...

I know just what you mean...I keep cleaning up after everyone and keep wondering when I can put everything away....shall we wait until New Year's? Keep Strong! ;)