
I finally got the phone call this morning that I knew would someday come. 7:30am: "Mom, can you bring some spoiled eggs to school?"

Spoiled eggs? As I sat wondering just how long I'd have to leave eggs on the counter for them to "spoil" properly, my daughter grew impatient. "Mom, can you bring them as soon as possible?"

I tried to explain that it may take all day for eggs to spoil. Did she really want them now?

"Boiled Eggs!" she clarified. Boiled eggs for her chemistry class experiment. Ah, now that makes much more sense. And just to be on the safe side, I'll need to look up exactly how to spoil eggs just in case THAT call ever comes.


ldsjaneite said...

What if you shake them really hard and then leave them on the counter until they're room temperature? Just a guess. I'd hate to think what kind of an experiment one might use with spoiled eggs.

And I thought my dad was the only one who did experiments with boiled eggs. Guess not! :-)

Heather said...

We had to suck the eggs into a flask. But we had to peel them first, and we broke some, so we needed more.

Julie Ramsay said...

Glad you had to boil them...not spoil them...couldn't you just buy them a candy bar to spoil them? :)