Persona non grata.

This morning I tried to log in to my facebook account. Only to discover that my account has been closed. From what I can figure out, it's because I am using a fake identity.

I must ask you: If I'm not me, then who exactly do they think I am?

Anyway, my facebook account is gone. Poof. It's like I never even existed.

So I will take some time to ponder my situation. And maybe after I get back from visiting my sister I will be ready to create a new, more improved version of myself.

Because in two weeks, who knows who I'll feel like being...


Julie Ramsay said...

Can't wait to see you! I wonder if you really did get hacked...I'll keep an eye out for mindy wantabes :)

Ron Passfield said...

I can relate to your feeling of "persona non gratis". I got dumped by Google Adwords because they claimed I was promoting a "get rich" scheme. The program required you to create a Squidoo lens, develop 5 articles and build a blog around an affiliate product ...and then rinse and repeat on a weekly basis. It is certainly a long way from get rich quick! But it does produce results in the long run! I sometimes wonder whether some of these top sites do things like this just to exercise their muscle. Paypal, for example, is noted for random closure or freezing of accounts. So we must not take this personally.