It's just a Blemish...

We were driving in the car this evening and my daughter Heather informed me, "You have ruined me, mom." "Probably," I agreed. But figuring she must have a point to her statement, I bit. "What did I do this time?"

"Every time I see a white head on someone else's face, I have an irresistible urge to pop it," she exclaimed. That's not my fault, I told her, that is human nature. Right? I think everyone secretly wants to rid the world of white heads---whether they are on their own face or on the face of a random stranger. Gross? No, it's just one of those things.

Relieved that I had not in fact ruined my daughter's life---yet, I was able to continue on, feeling much better about myself. But just for the record, that's true, right?


Julie Ramsay said...

hmmmm...interesting thought to ponder.

mindy said...

Is that code for maybe I have caused irreparable damage to my children? Maybe so, ha. You're just to polite to say.