When in Rome...

Do you remember that time when we were in Rome and driving to Pompei and I had to go to the bathroom? Really, really bad? And we'd been looking for gas station signs for miles and miles without any luck?

When all of a sudden we saw a guy pulled off to the side of the road peeing against the guard rail? And we were like, maybe we should pull over!

And there weren't any good bushes so I had to hide behind the guard rail while Julie held a blanket up around me. So no one could see me. Peeing.

While Diane took pictures, capturing the whole event forever on film?

Do you remember that? Yeah. Good times.


Anonymous said...

Markin' yer territory? :)


Julie Ramsay said...

Love it! you're so uropeeean

Anonymous said...

Ar, ar, ar, ar, ar. Humor. Ar, ar, ar!


swissscrapper said...

I've done that, on I-15 in Utah, when pregnant. Sometimes, you just really, REALLY have to go!

ldsjaneite said...

I just gave you a blog award. Again. How can I help it? I mean, you have a picture of what some of us have needed to do on too many long road trips! Wow.

mindy said...

Thanks Heidi!

Katydid said...

I've seen men in Europe just pull it out on the side of a building---could have been drunk--but embrace the European in you.