We were in the car after leaving the doctor's office and my husband turned to me at a stop sign. "Don't even think about writing a blog about this."

"Why would I do that?" I asked him. In fact, the thought hadn't even occurred to me yet.

"I know you want to," he baited. "I can just hear you writing it in your head."


My husband has had a pain in his side for 10 days now. I've tried to get him to go to the doctor for the past week. I figured that finding out what the real problem is just had to be better than what we have been coming up with searching the Internet with his symptoms. So far we had it narrowed down to mono, kidney stones, or a ruptured spleen.

Finally I talked him into going to the doctor. They came and poked and prodded. They took a lot of blood work. Which all came out fine. They did an ultrasound of his spleen. Which was normal. They came and poked and prodded some more. They took an x-ray.

Apparently he has gastritis. He has...um, "blockage" clear up under his ribs. They gave him some medicine and told us we would need to get in touch with a specialist for further treatment.

So we are walking out of doctor's office and I know you know what I told him.

"I've been right all along," I had to tell him.

"What's that?" he wondered.

"That you are full of crap."

But he was right too. I guess this was something I would blog about.

1 comment:

Julie Ramsay said...

Poor guy! Get the man some ruffage! And so our toilet talk continues.... xx