Movie Madness!

Twilight premiere was last night at midnight. My friend got my daughters and I tickets to go with them last night to see it. The rational part of me knew it was too late for a school night, but the Twilight fan in me, quickly overrode the rational part. And it was awesome. Okay, so we're tired, but it was definitely worth it. Besides, I figured the kids could find time to sneak a nap in one of their classes today...

We got home at 2:30am and were up four hours later. The no-sleep headache buzzing around will eventually go away. But, the movie will last a lifetime....ahhhh...

After the initial zinger of "I'm sure you'll all enjoy the special showing of "Bolt 3D" we have for you all tonight," (ha ha, that went over really well,) the theater manager announced that they had two movies going on with only one copy of the film (is that legal?). He assured us that they would do everything they could to make sure both movies went off without a glitch. So anyway, we started off with a bang---the previews were all silent. My daughter leaned over and said that she had figured it out. We got the video and the theater next door got the sound...Lovely...but luckily we did end up getting sound by the time the movie started. (Even though we were fully prepared to do some serious lip reading to make the most of our midnight movie experience.)

And it was awesome. Most of the characters were how I imagined them, there were a few disappointments. But overall, I give it two thumbs up. Which is good, since my opinion is important---that, and we're going to be going to see it again tonight...


Julie Ramsay said...

So glad you liked it! I have to wait until mid Jan to see it in switzerland. It comes out in england a few days after I leave!!! wah....

mindy said...

Usually you get things there first. Huh, so I don't feel too bad that you have to wait for once! I'll watch it an extra time for you, ha.

Katydid said...

Did you not think Jasper looked like Edward Scissors hands? He just kept making me laugh. But, Bella was good and some of the scenes were just right. It was just fun watching it with my sisters.

mindy said...

I thought Jasper looked rather constipated throughout the movie and was hoping someone finally slipped him a laxitive...It was fun to watch it with my youngest "tween" who really was the target audience---she giggled and was twitterpatted the entire movie and she doesn't even openly admit to liking boys yet so it was fun. I went in with no expectations and had a ball.