Can you hear me now?

Since Nicholas started playing in a band, Brian has been acquiring toys, or, ahem, necessary equipment, the boys need: microphones, mixing board, snake, etc. We found out that one critical thing, is that no matter how good the band sounds, if you can't hear them....well, you can't hear them.

Brian and another one of the band member's dads decided to each buy a speaker for the band, so they can start doing the sound system themselves. This way, they can make sure the band always sounds good (and they can have really cool speakers.) A couple of weeks ago, they ordered their speakers, only to find out they were on back order. They have been waiting "patiently" ever since.

Last night the speaker came. Brian and Nicholas were like 2 little boys at Christmas time as they opened the box and took out the new toy, I mean equipment, and set it up. They hooked it up to the television and put in a DVD to test it out. IT IS LOUD. The phone rang and my husband called out that if it was the neighbors, he was just getting ready to turn it down...

I'm not sure how I feel about having such a large monstrosity hooked up in my living room. It doesn't really match the decor, but as Nicholas points out, it is loud. I guess "tacky" transcends all fashion trends in favor of LOUDNESS...The only thing that makes me feel better is that across town, there's a matching speaker, probably already set up in the other band member's house. Their speaker was also delivered yesterday. It will look equally attractive in their living room.


Nancy said...

Yeah!! Karaoke at your house!! I'm sure your neighbors are understanding people.......crank it up and let the good times roll.

Julie Ramsay said...

I think it looks great in your living room...oh the poor neighbors!

Anonymous said...

So this is the infamous speaker I heard about. Looks like fun to me!!