Driving Miss Heather...

We had thirty minutes to get to church this morning, so I figured it was plenty of time to let Heather drive. Don't get me wrong, Heather is a good driver. She is just very....cautious. She stops before and after speed bumps, stops after she turns a corner, is always 10-15mph slower than everyone else on the road and if she happens to see a car within 2 blocks, she won't pull out in front of them. She's improved a lot, in that regard---she used to wait until she didn't see any cars at all. Sometimes we would sit at the intersection for a long time...

As we puttered along the freeway, Heather commented that she probably wouldn't make a good truck driver. "Why would you even want to be a truck driver?" I asked, confused to what brought that up. She reminded that when she took her standardized tests and had scored in the 99%---the recommended careers given her were truck driver or dry cleaner.

We had a good laugh about that. The kids at her lunch table told her she could put "Hot Mama McKibben" on the side of her truck and then if she changed her mind and decided to open up a dry cleaning shop, it could double as the name of her store...


Julie Ramsay said...

How cute! Remember when we learned to drive...I dont' think going slow was our problem! You have it easy...

Nancy said...

Hot Mama McKibben, huh? That's a good one. I think when I took that test in High School it said I should be a Pro Wrestler or some such nonsense. (Sigh) Not everyone gets to live their dreams.

mindy said...

Nancy: A pro wrestler, huh. I can totally see that! I wonder where they come up with those...hee, hee.