Something I never thought I'd hear my husband say.

I put the trash cans out because today is garbage day. "Don't get rid of the big box," my husband called out. "I might need to sleep in it."

Come again? Did he just say he might need to sleep in the box? "What?" I asked him, thinking surely I hadn't heard him right. "This month is the snow camp out," he replied. That explained everything.

We used to have snow for the scout "snow" camp out, which oddly enough, is where it got it's name. The scouts would build snow forts to sleep in, but for the past couple of years, they've had no such luck. And now that the snow has melted, it's looking like there will again be no snow...instead, they have been constructing forts out of cardboard boxes. Then the next morning they build a giant bon fire and burn them---it's become a tradition. (If nothing else, the scouts will be prepared to live as hobos, if necessary.)

So, I didn't put the large box out for the garbage man this morning. In fact, I even added a stack of bubble wrap to the box. If you're going to sleep in a cardboard box, you might as well be comfortable.


Julie Ramsay said...

That is an awesome tradition! I wonder if there is snow if they will be disappointed to not get to use their boxes...maybe they can bring them along anyway...

mindy said...

I don't know---snow cave or cardboard box...or course you can't burn the snow cave when you're done, so that's a point in favor of the boxes.