Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

It's snow day 3 this week. And it's still snowing. I'm not really complaining. I like snow well enough, and my kids don't usually bother me. It's just the little things that start to get to me.

Like exercising. There's nothing quite like trying to exercise with an audience. And not even a quiet, respectful audience, I might add. One would think they could keep their comments and questions to themselves...

"Mom, how come you aren't doing it like the lady on the video?" Gee, I wonder.

"Is that sweat on your pants? Gross!" Why, yes it is! Thanks for noticing.

"You're not very good at this." You think?

And my favorite: "I'm exhaused just watching you!" That would be from all your laughing and mocking.

Of course I don't even have to mention the giggles and muffled laughter behind me on the couch. I may be out of shape but my hearing is fine. So, although my self esteem may be suffering, I look forward to enjoying at least one of the perks of having my children home on a snow day---I'll let them clean the bathrooms and fold laundry. It's only fair. They've had their entertainment.


Heather said...

Hey, I'm only here to observe and mock.

Nancy said...

Oh...that's good!!! Next time maybe you should skip the "Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease" and your kids won't give you such a hard time!!! :)

mindy said...

Ha Nancy! They should at least appreciate the fact that I'm wearing clothes---when no one is home I exercise in my underwear...but that is a secret:)

ldsjaneite said...

I hate having an audience when I work out, too! Especially with my uncoordination. I've been known to punch myself in the face...

Katydid said...

Right now working out is just me and the three-year-old--tame audience. Yours is much tougher, a positive for every negative?

Julie Ramsay said...

I really would like a picture of you exercising...have the kids post a few :)

AM said...

hey, i've never gotten 2 watch u! but you did yell at me for mimicing the girl on the menu screen (not my fault if you leave it on the screen)

Anonymous said...

I have yet to witness this...
