You're doing WHAT???

The other day I was crushing cans for the recycling bin, which I do once a week or so. My daughter ran into the garage demanding: "I have to know what you're doing?"

I asked her what she thought I was doing. She said it sounded like I was kicking the side of the car to vent my frustrations. "Sorry," I told her, "I hate to disappoint you, but I'm just crushing cans."

Although now that I think about it, kicking the side of the car does sound like more fun...


Julie Ramsay said...

It sounds like she wanted to job for kids...crush these cans! We get to do so many interesting things...

Nancy said...

I'm really glad you found a way to take out your frustration. You should write a book titled, "101 Ways to Positively Vent Your Frustration." Yell at the cats, crush cans, steal grocery carts, etc. You'd make big bucks!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Nancy! You could give the rest of us some good advice. ha ha