What's on your mind?

My son was composing music last night on the computer. He let me listen to what he'd written and it was amazing. No, I mean really mind boggling, as in, he shouldn't be able to be doing this kind of stuff, amazing. "So, this music is just in your head?" I asked him. "Well, Yah," he acted like it was obvious.

Hey, that kind of stuff is not in MY head. It made me stop and think. What exactly is going on in my head? No, really. I'm not joking. Thinking about it I came up with Lists. I have files and files of lists in my brain. Lists of things I need to do, buy, save, clean, etc. You name it, I have a list filed away about it.

I guess I figured that was how everyone else's brain worked. Not so. I asked my daughter Heather what was in her brain. "The periodic table," she replied. Okay. I wouldn't have guessed that. So now I have another list started, the things people think about...fascinating!

So, what's in YOUR brain!

1 comment:

Julie Ramsay said...

I just asked myself: what is in my brain...currently my only thought is how quickly I can get the kids to school and climb back under the covers. I think the realization of moving has me in hibernation mode.