Scratch it where it itches

Heather spread out all her leaf samples on the floor. She needed 15 different varieties of leaves for her Biology class and was hoping we could help her identify them.

"This one turned out well," Heather observed showing us one of her leaf samples. "Yes, except it is poison ivy," my husband informed her. Oops, that might not be a good one to bring to class. Her collection also included several sizes of the same leaves, as well as several nice weed specimens. After we counted up the good ones, she ended up needing a few more to make up her 15 required. (But they needed to be pressed and dried...)

Luckily, Anna saved the day. Apparently she'd been bored this summer and had dried leaves of many various trees. If not, Heather may have been forced to bring in her poison ivy...


Nancy said...

Boy! Your kids collect the weirdest things. I remember the snowballs in the freezer. Crazy, crazy, crazy.....

mindy said...

I think we still have snowballs in our freezer from like, 8 years ago or something like that...maybe I shouldn't admit that!

Molly said...

Anna is so funny. In what other family would you need leaves and one of the kids so happens to have a bunch they collected weeks ago! That's awesome!