Are we there yet?

We made it! There is nothing more stressful than traveling across the country with kids. Not that it wasn't fun, mind you. Just stressful. I'm always worried that I'll lose one of them. That is much worse than missing a connecting flight.

And they know how to get on my nerves. "Nick is your favorite child, right mom?" Anna repeats for the millionth time. "Trust me," I say as calmly as possible, "you all annoy me equally." There was just too much waiting and sitting and waiting...

My dad was waiting for us and we got to drive home on the new "Legacy Highway." I noticed that he was the only one travelling at 55mph as we were being passed by everyone. It's one of the great things about driving with my dad. That and he listens to AM radio.

My parents were gone this morning so the kids and I drove to Walmart. I wondered if I should have asked for directions, but realized there was some kind of cosmic force pulling me in, and made it without any problems. We walked into the store and were discombobulated to find that it was laid out completely backwards. We were unable to function for several minutes until we finally got our bearings. How rude! It was so confusing we forgot important essentials like Doritos and bread. Now we'll have to go back.


Julie Ramsay said...

I loved that you were pulled there by a cosmic force...there are 2 within walking distance (well for dad) and we go everyday when we're at moms...I love it!

Jenny said...

I can't believe you went without me, shouldn't there have been some kind of homecoming ceremony... At least you will know your way around by the time we get there...

mindy said...

Don't worry Jenny...there will be plenty of Walmart trips for you next week. You know how mom and dad are---Every day is a walmart day!

AM said...

I said "kid", not "child" I'm definatly NOT that proper!