It's okay. Her virtue wasn't lost---just temporarily misplaced.

Sarah and Heather got their Young Women Recognition Awards this Sunday. It's the completion of 4-5 years worth of goals and projects. It was a lot of work and I was proud of them for finishing it.

They spent a lot of time this summer working on the different "value" projects. Even though I knew what they were doing, it always threw me off to hear them talking about it. "Anna how is your integrity?" I heard Heather ask one day. Anna replied, "I'm working on it, but I don't have any faith."

This past year they added the value "Virtue." Since it wasn't in the book, the girls were given a separate virtue pamphlet. Last month Heather could be heard yelling through the house, "Mom, I lost my virtue! Has anyone seen my virtue?" Don't worry, we found Heather's virtue. It was in the kitchen. Where she left it.


Julie Ramsay said...

hee hee that does sound funny when you say it like that!

AM said...

mom, i didn't have any integrity, i had faith, that's like the first one. don't worry, i have it now, i just need the projects now

Stefanie said...

That's funny! And congrats to Sarah and Heather!!

Jenny Dahlke said...

I hate it when I misplace my virtue, so glad you guys were able to find it. Congrats to the both of you, that's a HUGE deal!!!