Please pass the manners.

Last night I was standing in the kitchen eating cookie dough. When out of no where, my husband and 2 of my kids tackled me, taking the cookie dough. Tackled me. To the ground. I ask you, what has this world come to when you can't eat cookie dough in the sanctuary of your own home without having to worry about getting pummeled?

I think the trouble can all be traced back to the day our cat gun was mysteriously broken. We used to have a cat gun which was actually just a spray bottle. When the cats were little we sprayed them to remind them not to get on the table. Later, starting out as a joke, we used it on the kids. When the kids were chewing with their mouth full, eating rice with their fingers, or licking their plates, my husband would spray them with the cat gun. It worked wonders on their table manners.

Anyway, it seems that this past summer I have been asking "Where are your manners?" way too often. So often, that I'm considering buying a replacement cat gun. Getting tackled for cookie dough would have definitely been grounds for a good spray. I mean, chances are that had they asked politely, I might have given them some...

The last time I asked Anna where her manners were, she turned to me and replied, "Manners can't be taught, they are bred." First, what does that even mean? Second, at our house the only "breeding" you'll find is white or wheat. As in bread. I had responded by asking her if she wanted butter with her "bred."

I admit that maybe I could have come up with something better to say. It probably showed my lack of breeding. Yep, I definitely need to buy a new cat gun.


AM said...

How come nobody told me that we were tackleing mom for cookie dough??? how much did she eat?

ldsjaneite said...

You sure you would have given some if they'd asked...?

Julie Ramsay said...

Too bad they didn't video would have been fun to see!

Katydid said...

Ahhh, your family life makes me laugh. Your kids must laugh all the time.