I swear it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Having lunch with some friends yesterday we were talking about high school and we all agreed that none of us would ever want to go back and re-live our high school years.

I told them that I was making my girls go to prom this year even though neither of them wanted to. It is a rite of passage. They all agreed. One of my friends mentioned that she had two nephews who were seniors and over six feet tall. If either of my girls were interested, she could make sure they were visiting during prom.

I told this to my girls last night. They sorta freaked out. "You broke the rules," they insisted.

Yes, we have rules.

Prom rules:
1. If a boy asks them to go to prom they must accept. Unless the boy is covered from head to toe in tattoos and has more than three body piercings.

2. My girls will not ask a boy to take them to prom.

3. I am not allowed to ask a boy to take them to prom. This includes making/posting fliers, etc.

4. Cousins, brothers and other relatives are not acceptable prom dates. (I'll need to ask them about second cousins.)

So, you see, there are rules. For the record, I did not ask anyone if they had eligible dates for my daughters. My friend brought this up completely on her own. Besides, the prom is months away. I told her I'd get back with her. I don't see what the big deal is. No rules have been broken here.

Besides, we've already bought the dresses.


Julie Ramsay said...

I would totally set them up! They don't want to go stag!!!

Heather said...

Another rule - Homecoming is an acceptable substitute for prom.