Merry Christmas!

We decided to get Sarah and Heather laptops for Christmas this year since they'll be leaving for college this fall. We asked Heather what features she wanted her lap top to have. You know, stuff like a camera, Internet access, memory, etc.

"I want it to be purple," she decided.

So on Christmas morning she opened up her computer and smiled. "It's just what I wanted. It's purple."
Luckily for her, she has a long time to discover all the other features on her purple laptop.


Julie Ramsay said...

what an awesome christmas present! Can't believe your babies are growing up!

Heather said...

And to think her oldest child will be an adult next month. She really is getting old.

Sheila said...

I bet they remember this Christmas. They look cute. (The girls too!)

ldsjaneite said...

Wish I could have had a laptop for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

...wish I could go away to college...
