'Tis the season...

Don't you hate it when you have a cold and it's bedtime? It takes like ten minutes to find just the right position so that you can breath out of one quarter of one nostril. Then just when you are drifting off to sleep your nose starts running...and you jerk awake every few minutes throughout the night and have to re-position yourself AGAIN.

I've decided the role of NyQuil is not to prevent any of that from happening but eventually with the correct dose, you just won't remember it. I'm still working on tweaking the dosage...I'll let you know when I've got it perfected.

This morning my nose is running and I'm trying to make "Crispels" (a recipe from the middle ages---kind of like scones but they don't taste as good) to drop off for Heather's class. I'm wiping my nose and washing my hands and wiping and washing and I'm in a cycle and I can't stop and the crispels are burning...so I stick a wad of Kleenex up my nose and continue on.

I'm almost to the high school office when I think to myself how great it is that my nose hasn't been running. I realize it's because I still have the Kleenex stuffed up my nose. Ahhh, this explains the look I get from several high school students on my way to the office...Lovely.

It's okay though, because hopefully with a large enough dose of Nyquil tonight, I won't remember any of it tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

We might need to give the kids Nyquil so they'll forget their mom walking around the high school with a big wad of tissue hanging out of her nose... :)

Julie Ramsay said...

The joys of parenthood! YOu're such an over achiever!

Heather said...

I only wish that I had seen that. Mom makes fun of me when I do that.

ldsjaneite said...

Feel better soon!

Katydid said...

I love the sleep but hate the Nyquil hangover. Ugg. I'm sure the high school kids just thought you were cute.