Fast Food Musings

I was dropping the kids off at a morning choir performance across town and afterwards, we decided to stop by McDonald's to grab lunch on our way back over to school. The kids are older now and haven't had Happy Meals in a while, so we thought we'd order them and see if they had changed in the past few years.

Anna and her friend were shocked when they opened up the plastic barbie toys that were included with the meals. They were wearing short skirts and their mid-drifts were showing. You'd think McDonald's could afford to give Barbie a sweater to cover her up a little more.

The girls were going to throw the dolls away, but I told them I would give them to a little girl who comes over to play sometimes with her mom. "As long as you tell her not to use Barbie as a role model," Anna instructed---the little girl is only a year old and will probably only drool on it, but okay. In fact I did tell her mom to refrain from dressing them in matching outfits. But it did make me wonder why McDonalds has "Immodest Barbie" in their collection of happy meal toys.

Anyway, just for future reference, even with the disappointing toy aside, the girls did feel slightly more happy after eating the happy meal than before they had eaten it. So, go happy meals! (Just get some better toys, okay?)


Julie Ramsay said...

we just are finishing our happy meals. The kids don't seem much happier but the kitchen is clean and I'm a lot happier!

mindy said...

As long as someone is happy, that is really all that matters...