I knew that!

Either kids are getting smarter at an earlier age, or I'm rapidly losing brain cells. I think I'll go with the kids are getting smarter theory. I was taking my friend's grandkids to the Burger King playland today, so they could get their grocery shopping done. Trying to think of something to talk about, I grabbed the pair of fuzzy dice out of my glove compartment and showed it to them, right before we got started on the drive over to BK.

"Your cousin calls these coconuts!" I told the kids in the backseat, remembering a similar trip I'd had a few months ago with their cousin who was about their same age. "Those aren't coconuts," the little girl piped up in her small voice. "Those are fuzzy dice---you can tell because they are square," she informed me. (A good tip.)

Okay. Trying to keep the conversation going, I unfortunately stuck with the coconut theme. "At least if it was a coconut, if we got thirsty, we could stick in a straw and drink some coconut juice," I told her, obviously not thinking about what I was saying.

"Nope," her small all-knowing voice replied. "Coconuts have milk inside them." Feeling like I was now a complete idiot, I wanted to change the subject, but didn't know what else she was an expert on. Luckily, Burger King was close by, with kids' meal toys for them and free refills for me. We would all be fine---no conversation required. Are two and three year olds born knowing random facts nowadays or have I just forgotten since my own kids were little?

1 comment:

Julie Ramsay said...

Kids are definitely getting smarter! Of course I'm pretty much brain dead nowadays!