Mysteries of Life

Whenever I hear the song by John Mayer on the radio, I keep hoping that he will just say whatever it is he needs to say and get it off his chest. Obviously it is really bothering him or he could say it and move on. Until then, I'm afraid we're going to have to listen to the song over and over again, waiting to see if this will be the time he will actually get up enough nerve to say it---whatever that is.

Okay, JUST SAY IT ALREADY! But, the song ends and he still never said it. It's one of those things that will stay on my list of life's mysteries.

Like belts, they hold up pants. And belt loops hold up the belts, so it really isn't clear who the real hero is down there. I was never even aware of belt loops, totally disregarded them until Heather brought up this disturbing fact. Now it bothers me. Belts have been getting the credit all these years and no one ever thinks about belt loops. Don't they matter? I just don't know---another mystery.

And spam. I hate to even think about it, but who eats that and why do they even make it, anyway? I figure if you have to pop open a can of meat that isn't even self-respecting enough to go by the name of meat it is, how can you feel good about eating it. Besides, why would you eat spam---if you were truly bent on meat in a can, there is always canned chicken or tuna?

Alas another mystery to ponder.


Anonymous said...

That song drives Kevin nuts, although it is on my ipod. He once counted up the phrase "say what you want to say" in the song and came up with 36 times. I will never listen to that song again without thinking, "Well, just say it already!!" HA!

Julie Ramsay said...

I've never heard that least I don't think I have. I like John Mayer though...I'll have to check it out! Spam is a mystery. I love that belt loops are unsung heros!!!

mindy said...

Julie i'm sure you've heard the song before, they play it all the time...I'm thinking it might be good torture to actually lock someone in a closet and put the song on replay with only spam to eat (wearing a belt would be optional)...

Katydid said...

I am so embarrassed I like that song. Everyone complains and somehow I can sing a long and it makes me think it is the perfect backdrop to an emotional scene in a movie.

ps love the about me cape stuff..funny