Standards? What standards...

Two weeks ago, on Halloween night the candy bowl was overflowing and we had our pick of all the good stuff: Snickers, Mr. Goodbars, Kit-Kat Bars---you know what I'm talking about. The good candy. In fact, we were candy snobs.

Now we're left with the dregs. The coconut and cotton candy flavored Dum-Dums, Heavenly Hash marshmallow eggs (who buys those anyway), gummy body parts; okay I think you get the general idea.

And yet every day there is less and less of this candy in the bowl. It gets picked through more and more each day and the candy that two weeks ago we once turned our noses up at, now doesn't seem quite so bad. In fact all of the tropical fruit flavored Starbursts are now gone as well as an assortment of previously untouchable candy.

I'm guessing that by this time next week, even the disgusting candy will finally, as a last resort to eating something healthier, be eaten. Honestly, in good conscience, I should just throw the rest of the candy away now---no one in their right mind would eat it anyway. It's just that you never know how tempting a hard-as-a-rock, extremely sour, Sourhead will taste when you're coming down off a three week sugar high...


Julie Ramsay said...

So true sister! We have only the dregs left as well...I can't throw it away. I need sugar constantly!

Anonymous said...

Come to my house! My kids got a whole pillowcase full. I usually tell them that anything left at Christmas gets thrown away!!They like the "dregs".