"Are you talking to me?"

Has it happened to you? Probably not. You aren't old like I am...It seems like every time I go anywhere, people are calling me ma'am or lady. I can't even remember when that started happening? I always turn around look to see if there is some old person behind me. For some strange reason, there never is. They are talking to me!

My first impluse is to smack the poor chap who called me ma'am, and inform him that "thank you" will suffice. But I always bite my tongue...not wanting to draw attention to myself. I can just see the headline..."Cranky old lady beats store clerk with purse..." So, I shuffle off to my car, head down in shame and humilation.

I am the first to admit that I'm not getting any younger. I am fully aware the the clock is ticking every second of every minute of every hour of every...okay so you see that I understand how time works. But in my next breath, I will also tell you that I don't feel any older. I still feel like a young "whipper-snapper," if you'll allow me to use the expression.

In my mind (however delusional), I'm stuck as a seventeen year old. And basically the teenager inside of me, resents being called ma'am, regardless of how polite it may be intended. There is no way I can simply smile and nod. It isn't going to happen. I think I'm going to need to invest in a really sturdy cane for the duration of my aging process...and possibly find a good lawyer?


ldsjaneite said...

Hmmm...I'm still pretty young myself. And I think I've been getting "ma'am" for about 4 or 5 years. I like to think that right now it's because I live in the "South." But how would that explain the years before that? Yet I totally agree-I'm a 17-year old still inside and it all makes me feel so old.

Julie Ramsay said...

Poor, old you! I've heard that you feel whatever age you marry at...so I'd say you're about a 19 year old! I'm a 20 year old...so even a tad bit older than you! Ouch! I took a test on the wii fit to see what my body age would be...65 years old but ideal weight. Colin ended up being an obese 30 year old. He told me he'd rather be obese than old...oh well!

mindy said...

I'd rather be old and looking fine...I bet he'll be re-thinking that decision when he's old and alone (just kidding Colin)