Walk toward the light...

I was watching a training video on the computer the other day. One by one, all the kids wandered in, sat down, and watched mesmerized, eyes glued to the screen. Funny thing was, it was the most boring video ever! Yet, they seemed quite content to watch.

I think our little experiment of having no TV has a small flaw in it. Instead of teaching our children to become discerning, more conscious individuals, they are now desperate to watch anything. This happened again over Thanksgiving break when we went to Brian's parents house, where they sat completely transfixed over the dog show, which just happened to be on TV. Instead of changing the channel, they sat from beginning to end, never missing a moment of the riveting action...

At times like these, I feel like we've hit an all time low. But otherwise, when the kids are busy reading, practicing their instruments or doing other useful activities---other than sitting in front of the boob-tube, I am confident that we made the right decision to take television out of our lives.


Nancy said...

Use all that enthusiasm to your benefit...Have them watch Food Network and then THEY can make dinner every night!!

Julie Ramsay said...

That happened to my friends' kids too....I would be the same!