Gotta love it.

I finally got around to cleaning out my refrigerator. It was long overdue, and it was disgusting. I had a great system, as I started cleaning it: If I didn't know what was in the container, I threw it away. I didn't need to look inside---didn't need those images stuck in my head. Tupperware is too cheap to have to endure that.

Anyway, I was getting along fine. I had filled up one garbage can and was working on another one, when all of a sudden my cat came flying out of no where and jumped right into the garbage bag. This isn't an ordinary cat, by the way. He thinks he's more of a dog and eats anything. Literally, we've caught him eating raw, hard spaghetti noodles, Doritos, cheese, bread...

I finally pulled him out of the garbage, and he had chicken casserole hanging out of his mouth. He was desperate to get back inside the trash bag. I ended up having to get my kids to come in and restrain the cat while I quickly bagged up the trash and took it outside.

And I wonder why I don't clean out my fridge more often? Hmmm, I wonder. I'm still trying to recover.


Julie Ramsay said...

Just stick your cat in the fridge and let him do the cleaning! Poor starved cat! ha ha ha.

Nancy said...

Eeewwww.....that is the grossest story I've read so far! That's why we don't have pets!

Molly said...

One question, one suggestion:

Just exactly how big is your fridge?

Perhaps you should declare Sunday, "Leftover day." That way, there's less to clean up.

mindy said...

We eat leftovers at least once a week. Also, I was throwing away all the stuff like partially used ketchup/mayo/frosting, etc. And of course you can fit a lot of stuff in there when you shove it in and forget about it:)