The jury is still out...

I finally did it. I was finally persuaded to join facebook. I think my sister Julie's exact words were, "Come on, everyone's doing it..." And I was the only one in my family not on, so it made me feel even more lame and out of the loop. So, I closed my eyes and took the big jump...actually, my sister Jenny called and walked me through each and every step of the sign-up process (yes, I'm that pathetic.)

My initial problem with facebook goes way back, in fact, you could say we have a history together. We had a problem with some of the youth in our ward and I guess I just envisioned it as Satan's playground. You know, where all the young'ens went to take drugs and have sex. Not literally, but, you know what I mean. Maybe I had the wrong impression, I'll admit---I may have been a tad old-fashioned in wanting to keep me and my family as far away from the evils of facebook as possible.

Now I know. Facebook isn't Babylon. But it does have a way of sucking people in and before you know it, you've wasted more time than you ever intended. Me? I don't have time to waste, yet, I enjoy touching base with friends I knew years ago (some I don't even remember I had!!!) So, it's a toss-up. Definitely not a bad thing, but we'll see...


Julie Ramsay said...

Sorry I thought it was something other than facebook...I thought it was myspace. I would have laid off it only I had known....

mindy said...

You're right it was myspace---i just didn't realize there was more than one...