First you must activate it!

I came home exhausted from running errands one day. Imagine my surprise to find dinner cooking and the dishwasher not only loaded, but running! "I even activated the dishwasher soap," my daughter came running into the kitchen, to inform me proudly.

I tried not to laugh. Let me explain. My husband was starting a load one day and the kids were watching. We had just switched over from using the messy dishwasher powder to the wonderful automatic tablets. Not wanting to disappoint his audience my husband unwrapped the small tablet and made a big production of licking it. (of course he only pretended to lick it)

This got the reaction he desired, all the kids squealed and were disgusted by him licking the soap before putting it into the dishwasher. "I'm activating it," he announced loudly, using an official voice.

"But doesn't it taste disgusting?" one of the kids asked. "It's not so bad anymore," he assured them, "you'll get used to it."

Many months had passed and I had forgotten about this, until coming home to my daughter's confession, that she had even "activated" the soap before starting the dishwasher.

"Really?" I asked, not believing her. Then she smiled, "Actually I licked my finger and wiped it, instead of licking it," she admitted.

This whole experience leaves me with a few questions. First, how can my kids believe even half the things their dad tells them. Second, why does their dad tell them such ridiculous things, anyway. And third, when should I tell them they don't need to activate the dishwasher tablets anymore...

1 comment:

Julie Ramsay said...

Never...ha ha ha! They read your blog don't they??/