Don't even think about it.

Sitting in the middle of church, my daughter reached over and tried to pop a zit on my nose. "HELLO!" She can't do that. Isn't there an unwritten rule somewhere that specifically states---no pimple popping in public? I think there is. And if there isn't, there should be.

I gave her the most scathing look I could muster (we were sitting in church, mind you.) "What?" she asked innocently, totally oblivious to why I was glaring at her. "You can't do that in church!" I whispered. "It's not like anything came out," she protested. EWWWW! We're at church for pete's sake. Can we at least have the dignity to do this in the privacy of our own home?

Sometimes I wonder what kind of parents let their children act like this in public. Oops, this was my daughter. Okay, so somewhere, I must have forgotten to give her Rule #111: Don't do personal stuff in public. I guess I thought it was a no-brainer. I thought wrong.

Can I just add, that nothing makes you feel more self conscious than wondering if you have a pimple that needs to be popped, hoping everyone isn't staring at it...


Nancy said...

Oh Yuck!!! I can't wait....Rule #111, huh? What are the other 110 before that? I need to know these things!!

Julie Ramsay said...

Love your new blog decor...I hope you can find something equally awesome for me in a couple weeks. I need to teach my children...but I myself need to stop cleaning their ears and picking their noses at church...

mindy said...

Yes, I know. I'm not opposed to getting ear gunk, snot, etc. off the kids. But somehow when it's ME--it's just so wrong.

I have Nancy to thank for the New Blog Deco. I feel so fancy!!!! Brian said I shouldn't feel offended that Nancy was so good at this kind of stuff and I wasn't. I didn't even realize I was supposed to feel offended until he mentioned that? But I'm not, I love that she can do it for me--and will! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! You know, I was thinking today: This is Sunday- I wonder what kind of interesting/funny thing happened with the McKibben family today? You never fail me! I'm with Nancy, I'd like to know the other 110.

Anonymous said...

I don't WANT to know the other 110. What if they are things I LIKE to do?