Crazy is as crazy does...

I never sleep well before I travel. The night before my last trip, I dreamt my plane had crashed and strangers were in my house doing my laundry. The laundry basket was full of holey socks and ripped up underwear. I woke up in a panic. Feeling like a burglar in my own home, armed with a garbage bag, I crept into my daughter's room.

As I sat sorting through her sock drawer, I jumped at every noise. I knew that it wasn't normal to be going from room to room throwing away all the socks with holes in them at 3am. And if my husband saw me sitting there, he would cancel my travel plans for sure! In fact, I could hear him in my mind telling me that he had arranged a long stay for me somewhere with nice padded walls...

But I could never get back to sleep after those unsettling dreams. Realistically, I knew that if someone did have to come to help my family, chances are they wouldn't be analyzing my children's underwear as they did the laundry. Unfortunately, before I travel, instead of sweeping, mopping and doing general cleaning, my irrational cleaning sprees are limited to straightening out the silverware drawer, vacuuming under the couch cushions, and organizing everyones socks and underwear---you know, the important stuff.

A while ago, I decided that before I left on a trip, I could write notes to my kids and hide them in their sock drawer so they could find them later if something happened to me. When I came home safely, I could throw them away. At least they would know that their crazy mother loves them.


Julie Ramsay said...

You are such a concientious mom! Its not that crazy...really.

mindy said...

I think you're just saying that...When Brian read it, he said, did you really get up at 3am and go through their sock drawers??? Maybe a little crazy...

Katydid said...

You keep running!!! You are awesome. And BTW, every chance you get remind them you are a gift to their lives.