It wasn't me...

We don't like to wear our shoes at our house. In fact, I have a nice place right inside the garage door where everyone can take their shoes off when they come inside. Which for some reason, no one likes to use...instead they like to take their shoes off and leave them in the middle of the kitchen floor---for people to walk around, step over, or even trip on...IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! But no matter what I do or say, I can't seem to get anyone to stop parking their shoes in the kitchen...

I tried to do an experiment the other day to prove that I am the only one who picks things up around the house. Someone had dropped a sock in the hallway and left it there. I wondered how long it would stay there if I didn't pick it up. It turned out to be a double-blind experiment. I asked the kids who had left their sock in the hallway---I got the standard kid answer, "It wasn't me." Apparently, some random person broke into our house and left a sock in our hallway. Did he leave the other sock at your house???

Anyway, as the day went on, I watched as every child walked by the sock countless times. This was when I realized my experiment was a double-blind one. My children did not even see the sock.

So, you may be wondering how this experiment ended. What were the results? I would love to tell you, except, by the end of the day, I caved. I was so sick of seeing that stupid sock, I picked it up myself.

I decided that I needed to focus my energy on something more important. I now encourage my kids to learn more and study harder. They will need to make A LOT of money to afford the kind of housekeeper they are going to need to walk around cleaning up after them. It's not that I'm giving up. I do insist they put their dishes in the dishwasher after every meal, but I guess I'm going to choose my battles, and clearly, this is one i'm not going to win...


Julie Ramsay said...

At least you don't have to ask...who left this poopy diaper in the hallway? That's what I'm dealing with.

Matthew Celestine said...

It is a good idea to remove shoes at the door.

I have an whole blog on the subject: Shoes Off at the Door, Please You might like to take a look.