
I tend to have my own names for things. Like the things you use to hang up pictures---you know, HOOKERS. That is what they do, so that is what I call them. That is also what I call the tool things you use with hat looms. When we went to visit my parents we bought several of them, so all the cousins could make hats while we sat and watched the Olympics. It worked out great except we kept losing them. I was constantly yelling through the house, "Has anyone seen my hooker?" or "How many hookers do I have to buy?"

My kids were used to me and my phraseology, but it made other people in the house uncomfortable. So it was a sweet day when I heard my mom yell out "I saw a hooker in the bedroom," loudly through the house, while my dad was having an Elders Quorum meeting on the back porch. Whether they heard her or not, I had to smile that she had unwittingly started calling them "hookers." I was ready to leave, my work there was done.


Nancy said...

You have the funniest way of expressing yourself: hookers, thongs....I want to come live with you so that I can laugh every day!

Julie Ramsay said...

I still laugh when mom called the game boy a play boy...yikees! I made her practice the correct way a few times. Didn't you also used to say rewind when reversing? YOu are hilarious!

Unknown said...

I too think your hilarious! Last night Kevin and I were driving home and we were talking about thongs (the underwear kind) )because of your blog Mindy. Kevin said "I see them all time" --he meant at work and not the entire thing of course. Riley then leaned up from the back seat and asked, "see what all the time?". I replied, "Flip flops!"