
We went out to eat for dinner last night. "No double dipping," my husband warned as we poured the salsa into the bowl. Just in time, I might add, as I saw Nicholas licking his tortilla chip ready for another dip.

"Wait, that counts as double dipping," my husband (the self-appointed salsa monitor) informed Heather. "No, this is the other side of my chip---germs can't run that fast," she insisted. So, this is why we are out to eat, to work on our social skills and manners. Apparently we need a lot of work.

I sigh as my husband blows his straw cover across the table at the kids. I guess he isn't concerned about his own manners---now that they are perfected, he can let least he won't be double dipping.

So, we are getting ready to leave and Sarah my sixteen-year-old complains, "I can't finish my kid's meal, it's too big," and Nicholas is wondering if we can get a doggy bag because he didn't finish his drink. I remember why we don't go out to eat very often.


Julie Ramsay said...

ITs a nightmare when I go anywhere with the kids. We need to put tham in an obedience school!

Anonymous said...

Whew! I thought I was the only one.

Nancy said...

Just be glad you've passed the time when your kids turn around to the people in the other booth and say, "I like to eat my boogers! They're yummy!" That makes for a great evening.

Julie Ramsay said...

I see you got a new calling! Whahoooo! EAsy, once a monther. Couldn't ask for anything more!