Heather will never be mediocre.

Yesterday I spent the entire day with Heather watching the high school Science Bowl competition. 16 of the top teams from around the state, competed for the opportunity to go to nationals. As the only girl and the youngest member of the team, Heather held her own. It was impressive---her team placed second in the state.

As I sat watching her answer questions, some of which I couldn't even understand, I had to wonder how she could remember so much stuff. I did okay with the first couple of questions.
I know how to tell how bright a star appears from earth---it has nothing to do with it's apparent magnitude. It depends whether or not you're wearing sunglasses. That's an easy one. After that, I gave up trying to answer the questions.

During the final round against the champions, as over a hundred people and two news cameras watched on, Heather didn't even seem nervous. I was a nervous wreck and stressed out just from watching---in fact, I'm going to have to go lie on a beach somewhere for the next week just to recover.

Heather is way smarter than I am.


Nancy said...

I think me kids are smartest than me too. I didn't know whern this happeneded. I jus kept waking up every morning felt stupider and stupider.....went figure!!

mindy said...

Yes, I have lost brain cells with every pregnancy. Blaming it on the kids makes me feel much better:)

BTW: you are sooooo talented. thanks for the new background!!! It's prettyful!

Molly said...

I think Nancy needs a show called, "pimp my blog."

mindy said...

Molly---NO WAY! I almost labeled Nancy as my personal blog pimp on my fb but figured it might not be politically correct. And now I see if you had the same thought, it probably wasn't, hee hee. I sure do miss you Molly!

Julie Ramsay said...

Heather is a smarty pants! I can't wait to see what she becomes when she grows up!

Nancy said...

I only changed it because Mindy claims she's going blind....I love the idea of a show for decorating blogs!! I could learn so many more things I bet. :)