A little Blog Fun

The deal:The first 5 people to respond to this post will receive something made by me for you! It will be my choice, but custom designed especially for you. Just so we’re on the same page, here are the details: No guarantees my gift will make you will feel absolute true love, but possibly some happiness, slight fervor, or maybe chocolate. It will be done sometime this year. You will have no clue what it will be… cookies, a photograph, a piece of homemade jewelry. It may be some other random thing I am capable of making or doing that would be enjoyable to you! I may bake something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you! That’s for sure. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

The fine print (which is actually the same size, but whatever): You must re-post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on their blog. When you get your lovely homemade goods from me, post a picture on your blog so I know my love arrived without a hitch.

This was on my sister Julie's blog who got it from her friend Amy's blog---see how we're sharing the love? I actually think it's an elaborate ploy for her to get me to send her a present---Julie, all you have to do is ask, and I'll send you something...

Anyway, I don't know five different people, but the rules are the rules. Hey, if I respond to myself, do I get to send myself something? Just wondering...Who wants to play?


Nancy said...

I'm game....can be anything, right? That sounds easy enough!

Julie Ramsay said...

i'll play too Min! Then maybe we can cancel each other out...ha!

Heather said...

I guess I'll do it...if you help me make stuff. If you don't know 5 people, I definately don't.

Molly said...

Sigh, I'll do it, I'll get around to re-posting this eventually.

Incidentally, the letters I have to type in to post this are 'drainhiv.' Ewwww!

Unknown said...

I'm number FIVE!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh well....never mind. It is too hard for me to figure this computer copying stuff out. I'll enjoy hearing all about it!!!!!

Nancy said...

Sheila: all you have to do is highlight the text you want to copy on Mindy's blog and then go up above to EDIT and choose COPY (or after you highlight it, just push CTRL+C). Then, start a new post in your blog and click in the box. Go up above again to EDIT anc choose PASTE (or after clicking in the box push CTRL+V). That is how you can copy and paste. Hopefully, this helped.