Lost my train of thought.

It's been one of those days. You know. The kind where you get distracted and forget what you're doing and end up never getting anything done? It's been one of those days.

I woke up, and started to unload the dishwasher. I suddenly remembered that I needed to e-mail someone and went into the computer room. Before I even got to the computer I saw the cats had made a mess shredding some paper. I went and got the vacuum. It's Thursday, I'm supposed to vacuum today anyway. I started vacuuming and noticed I'd forgotten to empty the trash cans around the house on Monday. I figured I better do it now or it would never get done.

I realized I should start dinner so I put some noodles on to boil for a chicken noodle casserole. Boy, was I on top of things! While it boiled I figured I should shower and get dressed but wanted to wait until after I finished vacuuming---right, that's why I waited in the first place. I noticed my bed wasn't made yet either and figured I might as well wash my sheets. I went around the house and changed everyone's sheets and threw them in the washer.

My noodles were burning. Thick black smoke engulfed the kitchen. So much for dinner. I figured I better put thoughts of dinner on the back burner with the burned pan of black charcoal noodles. Realizing I no longer had time to finish vacuuming, I took a shower. Just in time to pick up the kids from the bus stop! Looking back, I didn't get anything done today. But I'm exhausted.


Nancy said...

I'm exhausted just reading the post.....whew! Sorry you didn't get anything done today, but at least you did the most important thing - Shower!

Julie Ramsay said...

I didn't even get a shower today. I started to fill the bath tub but then gave up as I was late to pick up George from kindergarten...there's always tomorrow!

Molly said...

Just for that, I'm going to go take a long hot bath and read.

ldsjaneite said...

Wow. What a day. I love how you write about things!