Who you gonna call?

Nicholas has been home sick the past few days. With no television, I bought some new movies for him to watch. When I realized that my kids had never seen either of the Ghostbuster movies, I couldn't resist. Watching them with my teen aged son, I realized three things.

One. As we watched the movie I kept thinking to myself that I remembered it being better than it was...somehow funnier...It seemed lacking. I'm fairly certain that all the Ghostbuster references are due to the fact that people don't actually remember the movie itself.

That said, it leads me to my second thing. Two: Ghostbuster has some of the best lines in it--- EVER. A lot of them, my kids didn't appreciate or even find funny. But I did, and I laughed. These are the lines that everyone quotes and which makes the movie a quintessential 80's icon movie.

Three. There are movies that shouldn't be watched with parents and children. Ghostbusters is one of these movies. It was rated PG, so I didn't give it another thought when I put it in...yikes. I kept looking over at my son, thinking, "I don't remember that part. Gee, could she put on some more clothes? " And I actually had to tell him at one point to cover his eyes until I told him it was okay to look again. At least the TV Guardian got rid of all the bad language---which I didn't remember there being either.

I guess I need to add another thing. Four. When did I become such a prude? I know I can't shelter my kids forever, but I can try...Is that a bad thing?


Nancy said...

I know exactly what you mean about those "80s" movies....the rating system must have been whack back then because I watched "Chevy Chase's Eupropean Vacation" (also PG) and I wouldn't EVER want my kids to see it! I know I've seen at least the first "Ghostbusters" (vaguely remember gargoyles and the pilsbury boy at the end) but I don't know anything else. Next time just rent "Dumbo" - it's funny and classic, too, and you won't have to cover anyone's eyes!!

Molly said...

I like that my kid is young enough that I can still have Family Guy running in the background. Yes, I do watch Family Guy, and yes, I do love it. And no, I don't care if you think less of me for loving Family Guy....that is all :)

Julie Ramsay said...

I'll have to rewatch ghostbusters but I don't think the kids would like it like WE liked it!

ldsjaneite said...

Ha ha. I just quote Ghostbusters last night at FHE. I don't go by ratings any more. I go by the movies themselves. And, yes, most of those from the 80s that I grew up with I probably won't ever allow in my house.