I was ready! I packed extra socks and pants for everyone in case theirs got wet when were skiing and they wanted to change into something dry. I packed food and snacks and extra food and extra snacks. I packed spare hats, scarves, and gloves since someone always seems to lose these small items at some point during a day of skiing. I packed Kleenex, chapstick, sunglasses, goggles, packets of hand warmers and everything I could think of. I had a trunk load of stuff as we left for the 2 hour drive for the slopes. I was sure that I had everything we would need.

It would have been funny had it not been 8 degrees outside with a negative 16 degree wind chill.

I looked in the gift shop lamenting I would have to spend at least $200 when I had a perfectly good winter coat at home...Luckily someone I knew passed by and asked if I was window shopping. I shrugged and embarrassed, I admitted that I had forgotten my coat and was going to have to buy another one. She told me that she had brought not just one, but two extra coats with her and insisted that I borrow one of them from her. I wished I could have laughed and said that I was kidding---that I really hadn't forgotten my coat. But sadly, it was the truth. She was gracious and got me the coats so I could chose which one I wanted to use.

I didn't even bother to mention to her all the extra things I had brought with me. Somehow it just didn't seem like it would make any difference. But at least I was warm, and I would like to say from this experience that I'll never forget my coat again, but you just never know.


Julie Ramsay said...

Oh my GOSH!!!! Hiliarious! Well next time you for sure won't forget your coat! Mothers never think for themselves do we???

Anonymous said...

How funny!! But it also made me feel so sad for you! Did that lady not worry that you might run off with her coat? That was really sweet of her. You deserved to be taken care of!!

mindy said...

Trust me, I don't ski fast enough for anyone to worry about me getting away with anything...but I knew her from church so she knew where I lived...:)but yes, it was VERY nice of her!