Walmart, my personal nightmare

I was less than enthusiastic to go to Walmart today, but there were too many items on the list so, off I went. I was ever so cautious and tried really hard to check my cart every so often and do everything just right. I was so proud of myself, I was BLENDING! Yes, I know---Pride comes before the fall.

I should have listened to the warning bells that went off in my head as I climbed up to the top shelf. But why would anyone in their right mind put a 35lb container of cat litter on the top shelf---clear in the back of the top shelf. I needed that cat litter and by golly I was going to get it!

Before you judge me too harshly, I had the same thoughts---only much later as I was driving home: ask someone to help me, get a ladder, forget the stupid cat litter, buy a different brand (one that's on the bottom shelf), etc. But at that moment, I could only see the one I wanted, sitting on the top shelf, taunting me just out of reach.

And in my defense, I did test out the bags of cat food that were piled on the bottom shelf before I started climbing on them and I would have made it---but anyway, when everything started crashing down all I could do was head for the cash register and not look back.

Feeling guilty, by the time it was my turn to pay for my stuff I had to tell the lady. "They really should put the large containers of cat litter on the bottom shelf." She nodded in agreement. Whew! That wasn't so bad. But she didn't realize that it was a confession. "But some customers are crazy!" she added. Oops, she couldn't know it was me in the cat aisle..."I used to work stocking shelves and I've seen some customers do some crazy stuff that you wouldn't believe. In fact, once a lady stole the cart I was using to stock shelves."

I looked at her---she really said that! No, that wasn't the same employee from last week. I was pretty sure, but I hadn't really been paying attention. She didn't recognize me, did she??? I wasn't sure. "It was me!" I finally confessed, no longer able to handle all the guilt. I guess I don't do well under pressure.

The lady just laughed, apparently thinking I was joking. Then she told me a story about another crazy customer. I stopped listening---too afraid it might be another one involving me...


Nancy said...

Maybe you should find a Target, hmmm? Walmart and you do not mix.

mindy said...

We don't have a super target. I agree, I should stop going to Walmart before they escort me off the premises and ask me not to return...

Heather said...

Hi mom, look at me I just commented on your blog. me and anna made a blog too, it's called tweedledee and tweedledum. it seemed to fit us. What do you think? we can delete it if you want us too.

Heather said...

by the way, you definately said that I could make a blog, so this isn't breaking any rules or anything. except we don't know how to do anything...

AM said...

Hi mom! it's me, Anna! your long lost daughter you never mention by name in your blog! Just wanted 2 say HI!

Julie Ramsay said...

Ohhhh what a lovely story! Walmart would never kick you out! They adore you! Keep your funny stories coming!!! PS can you change my blog design now???