Always room for one more...

The 4-year old twins just finished potty training before I arrived for my visit. So, for them, the bathroom tends to be another place for social interaction. They love to come in to talk during a shower and often follow me in when I have to take a quick potty break. At first I tried to explain that I was using the bathroom---but this didn't make sense to them. They came in anyway, and since there isn't a lock on the door...

Most the time, one of them will play in the sink and the other will stand right next to me while continuing the conversation we're having. I try to pull my shirt down and be as discreet as possible---but they are 4 and have no interest in anything other than chatting.

I was surprised one day, however, when I felt a small hand reach from behind as I made a quick potty break. I screamed, completely stunned! "What are you doing?" I asked Tim who stood innocently behind me, with a smile on his face and a wad of toliet paper in his hand. "I'm wiping," he replied, still smiling.

Instantly, Ben finished at the sink and stood in front of me. "You pooping? I can help wipe too," he offered, grabbing at the toliet paper. "No---I'm good," I assured them both, trying to decide whether to be mortified, humiliated, or if I should just start laughing. "You just tinkeling," Ben asked, eyeing me to make sure his services weren't needed. "Yes, I'm just tinkeling and i'm done." I promised---the whole time cursing the diet pop for making me have to pee so much...


Julie Ramsay said...

They've helped me too...they're just toooooo helpful! but its kindly meant and they love you!

Stefanie said...

Glad you're having so much fun in Switzerland! We enjoyed being with your family this morning at the temple and lunch...

Anonymous said...


Jenny Dahlke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenny Dahlke said...

Sorry Mindy, my keyboard was acting up and my previous comment didn't make sense.
Anyway, I was just saying I'm glad to find that my kids aren't the only ones that are "helpful". That first time of feeling the hand at your fanny is always surprising;)

ldsjaneite said...

Oh my word--that is hilarious!