A walk around Wettswil.

We have snacks, water and everyone ready to go for a walk!

James and George found a great bridge. They also found several places they want to build their secret fort...

Next to the pond was a huge marshy spot filled with reeds. I didn't want the boys to go into it---I was worried it would be swampy and they would sink in. Julie called out, "Don't be scared, go see if you can walk in it..." Then she looked at me and said, "You're not much of a 'boy' mom, are you!" It was a statement and it was true. I was freaking out much of the trip as the boys went from danger to danger. But they were fine, and Julie was right. With 3 girls, I'm not much of a boy mom...

Ben and Tim were more my speed. They were happy to stay in the stroller eating snacks on "horse poop" patrol. They made sure to let us know where it was, so we wouldn't push their stroller into it...Very helpful!


Julie Ramsay said...

You're a great boy mom. I remember saying...I'm a boy mom not you're not a boy mom and I had already seen dogs in there on earlier walks so I knew if was safe...except for maybe snakes. It was a beautiful day to be out!

Jenny Dahlke said...

What a great place to explore! Being a mom of 5 boys I'm just surprised the boys weren't already in the reeds before you could even think to tell them to stay out. I think you're an amazing mom, look at all the things your kids are exposed to and accomplishing, very impressive.

Heather said...

A girl mom isn't bad though mom. I mean look at us girls. We can sew (well, sorta), clean (maybe, well...not really), and we can cook(that one I can do). See you're a perfect girl mom.

mindy said...

Gee thanks Heather. Golly I think I'm gonna start blushing...