It has arrived.

Okay so the mixer has arrived. Now what do we do with it? You can see from the picture that it is quite large (oddly reminiscent of the large speaker Brian received a few months ago...)

I KNOW---it has 32 input channels. But what do I do with it? It's not like I can stick it in the corner or push it under the counter or anything. The thing weighs 60 pounds, for pete's sake---which is the reason it is still sitting on the couch.

Yes, it's lovely to be able to walk over to it and touch it and drool on it. But IT IS SITTING IN MY LIVING ROOM! Apparently I'm having issues with the new toys Brian and Nick are acquiring. Not that I don't totally and completely think this equipment is awesome and I get chills knowing that we now own it...It's just that everything they get is so large. And for some reason these things tend to end up sitting in my living room for weeks on end.

Did I mention I have to find somewhere to put this fine mixer? Oh, I know. I'll just put it next to the speaker...


Julie Ramsay said...

I want one too...not. I hope you can shove it under your couch or something!

Heather said...

It's too big too fit under the couch.

Sheila said...

How about with all that toilet paper and paper towels you now have?

Jodie Davis said...

I feel for you MIn. I've got an amplifier, electric guitar, and a huge board with assorted pedals attached to it sitting in the middle of my dining room. They sit there 3 days a week - every week