One of those days.

I woke up this morning feeling like I just wanted to bite someone. No, I haven't been reading any vampire books and I'm not teething. My teeth just feel restless---like I want know. But I figure that's pretty normal, right? Doesn't everyone feel like that every now and again.

It's not like there is someone SPECIFIC I want to bite or anything like that. But I am guessing that if I did bite someone, all of a sudden, people would be more likely to listen to what I have to say. And that wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?

Of course, I'm an adult and I understand the difference between wanting to bite someone and actually biting someone. I mean I haven't completely lost all grasp of reality. Even though it is hard to have a conversation with myself anymore, without me ending up looking completely incompetent or unstable. Why is that?

Just to be clear. Even though I want to bite someone. I will refrain from doing so. You understand, right?


Julie Ramsay said...

Buy lots of gum! Don't let anyone grab it out of your out Timmy!

AM said...

Did you want to bite me? If so, you could kill me and then nobody would be able to manage my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!