I think I need some more white-out.

Last night we sat around the kitchen table filling out passport applications. Sarah and Heather's had expired and Nicholas and Anna had never had one. Who knew it would be so, well, hard!

"How tall am I?" Anna asked. I went and found a tape measure. It was a really handy tape measure and stopped right at 5 feet. Just a little bit shorter than Anna was. "Shall we put five and a bit?" I wondered. Nicholas was no better. He didn't know how tall he was either. Somehow it didn't seem right to put "tall."

And that was the easy question. Hair color was next. "Anna what would you call the color of your hair?" Is it just me, or should they include a color chart? "It's greasy," Anna replied as her explanation for why I couldn't discern her hair color. "Greasy isn't a color!" Should I just put "Dirty Blonde?" I looked at her hair again---make that "very dirty blonde." We settled on light brown.

Eye color. Gee it just keeps getting better. I decided to put hazel for everyone and they could decide what that meant. Hazel must be code for, "I don't know." Besides, I was including color pictures. If they want to know that everyone looks like---look at the picture!

So the forms are filled out. And now everyone knows how tall they are and what color their hair is. I feel like we got a lot accomplished.


Julie Ramsay said...

Where are you all going??? I love the color grease...you're hilarious!

mindy said...

Anna is going to Germany next summer to see the Passion play they have every 10 years. No one else has anything planned, but Brian figured they all might as well get their passports updated just in case we might want to go somewhere. For the record, I don't plan on taking them with me, when I go again...the whole point is to get away (I mean that in the nicest possible way of course.)

AM said...

Heather also messed up on 'name'
and I thought my hair was dark blonde?

ldsjaneite said...

I love the remarks about hazel. It does sum up mine.

Jenny Dahlke said...

Wow, that is so cool that Anna is going to the Passion play. I never even heard of it until our triplast year, and we visited that little town. It sounds like it will be really amazing, hope she enjoys it:)